Mike Farnworth

Port Coquitlam

Working for you in Port Coquitlam.

Mike Farnworth has called Port Coquitlam home for over 50 years. He grew up in our community and has been proud to serve it in a number of roles. He currently serves as British Columbia’s Solicitor General.

Mike has a long record of standing up for the issues and values important to Port Coquitlam residents. He served us as a three-term City Councillor, was first elected MLA in 1991 and has been re-elected four times.

Real Results making a Difference

We’re building a BC where you don’t just get by, you get ahead — and we won’t stop until the job is done.

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Love making phone calls and talking to people? Are your thumbs ready to text? Do you have a lawn that would look great with one of our signs? We’d love to hear from you.

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Thanks for supporting Mike Farnworth and David Eby’s BC team. Let’s keep moving BC forward — for all of us.

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